All participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
Scholarships will be provided as an incentive for abstract submission, top three papers will be rewarded TWD 5,000, TWD 3,000 and TWD 2,000 respectively by the Organizing Committee of 2011 PPSSC.
Download Abstract Template 
Conference Main Themes
(A) Neuroscience
(B) Cardiovascular Diseases
(C) Hematology
(D) Hepatic Regeneration
(E) iPS Cells
(F) Food Supplement and Stem Cell
(G) Cancer Researches
(H) International Regulation of Stem Cells
Important Dates
Deadline of Abstract Submission: Thursday, March 10, 2011
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: To be announced.
Rules for Submission
Please note that abstracts should be submitted prior to January 28, 2011. Submitting abstracts before registration and payment is allowed. However, abstracts without registration and payment will not be included in the abstract book. Submission by letter, fax, e-mail or CD/DVD will NOT be accepted at any time. Applicants must follow these guidelines:
Abstract Submission Form: MS word for Windows.
Language: the abstract must be written in ENGLISH.
The abstract should be written in English, typed or printed in Times New Roman font 12 and single space, with A4 size (21cm*29.7cm). Use standard abbreviations and place a special or unusual abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word appears. Use generic names of drugs. Write numbers as numerals rather than words.
Submit an abstract ONLY through Submission Online.
Per author only can submit ONE abstract.
Please limit the length of your title to 15 words: Title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation. Use bold-faced and capitalized font type for the title.
Full name of all authors should be listed without degrees and titles, and the presenting author should be underlined. Presenter's organization should be included.
Tables, charts, photographs and any other information are not acceptable as part of the abstract.
- The abstract limit is 2,400 characters including the title, author, and blank spaces. (No more than one page.)
The presenting author will be required to register before submitting.
Abstract Submission Requirement
Oral presentation
- The presenter should prepare Powerpoint to describe the research questions, methods, results, and significance.
- Each presenter has 8 minutes to present, including Q&A..
Poster presentation
- Poster Size: width 90 cm¡Ñ height 180 cm
- The presenter can bring a laptop when presenting the poster..