Information > VISA
Visa-Exempt Entry
Countries eligible for Visa-exempt entry:
- The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 90 days:Andorra, Australia (Effective from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016) , Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile (diplomatic, official/service passports excluded), Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K., U.S.A. and Vatican City State.
- The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 30 days:Malaysia, Singapore.
- a passport with validity of at least 6 months upon entry
- visa-exempt entry only applies to foreign visitors holding formal passports (i.e. ordinary, official/service and diplomatic passports), not including those holding emergency, temporary, other informal passports or travel documents.
- Japanese passport holders with their passports valid for more than 3 months are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
- US passport( including emergency passport) holders with their passports valid for the period of intended stay are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
- a confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure.
- Non-criminal record and not prohibited by the local authorities to enter the R.O.C.
Duration of stay:
- The duration of stay starts from the next day of arrival and is not extendable. Foreign visitors must depart by the end of the said duration. Please click here for " Penalty for overstay".
- Visa-exempt entry cannot be converted to other types of visas, unless the following exceptions:.
A. Foreign visitors entering the R.O.C. through visa-exemption may only apply for converting to visitor visas within their legal stay at the Bureau of Consular Affairs or branch offices of MOFA in case of: severe acute diseases, natural disasters or other force majeure reasons, which hold them back from leaving the R.O.C. In addition, white-collar professionals who have obtained the work permits within their legal stay may apply for work visas, together with their spouse and minors (under age 20) entering the R.O.C. at the same time.
B. For U.K. and Canadian passport holders, please refer to here.
Further information: click here.
Landing Visas
Countries eligible for Landing Visas
- Holders of Bruneian passport with validity of more than six months.
- Holders of Turkish passport with validity of more than six months.
- Holders of Macedonian passport with validity of more than six months. (Effective from November 1, 2013)
- Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity more than six months for nationals of those countries (execpt for US) eligible for visa-exempt entry.
- a confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure.
- fill out an application form with two photos.
- visa fee of NT$ 1,600 (citizens of the countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis) plus a handling fee of NT$ 800; For Turkish citizens: shall only be charged a handling fee of NT$800.
- no criminal record or not prohibited by the local authorities.
Duration of stay
- Bruneian passport holders: The 14-day duration of stay starts from the next day of arrival and is not extendable.
- Other eligible passengers: The 30-day duration of stay starts from the next day of arrival and is not extendable.
- The above-said landing visa cannot be converted to visitor or resident visa
under normal circumstances.
Further information: click here.
Procedures for Nationals of the Designated Countries Applying for Visitor Visas to the Republic of China(R.O.C.)
Nationals from the following countries applying for visitor visas to the R.O.C. must fulfill the procedure of this section:
Nationals from the following countries applying for visitor visas to the R.O.C. must submit their application at the designated overseas missions:
- Burma/Myanmar (Only at Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand)
- Nepal (Only at Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in New Delhi)
- India (Identity Certificate) (Only at Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in NewDelhi)
- Nigeria (Only at the Trade Mission of the ROC in Nigeria)
- Ghana (Only at the Trade Mission of the ROC in Nigeria )
Nationals from the following countries are obliged to obtain a Guarantee from their sponsors in Taiwan:
- Burma/Myanmar (The visa applicants are obliged to obtain a Guarantee from their sponsors in Taiwan and then submit it together with other required documents of visa application to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand)
- As for other particular cases of visa application from the designated countries, the overseas missions of the R.O.C. might request a Guarantee from the applicant's sponsor in Taiwan if necessary.
Further information: click here.
- Nationals of the following countries are eligible for an eVisa when they meet relevant criteria: Belize, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Columbia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kiribati, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Turkey, and Tuvalu .
- Furthermore, foreign nationals who have been invited to attend international conferences or activities in Taiwan – organized, co-organized, or sponsored by central government agencies or certain nongovernmental organizations – are also eligible for an eVisa. Such applicants must obtain an e-code from their host organizations in Taiwan prior to applying for an eVisa.
Requirements & Procedures
- eVisa applicants must possess an ordinary, official, or diplomatic passport with validity of at least six months as of the date of intended entry into Taiwan.
- To obtain an eVisa, applicants must submit relevant personal information and pay the required fee by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) online. ROC overseas missions may, depending on the applicant's nationality and purpose of visit, request through email that the applicant submit additional documents within a specific timeframe. If these documents are not submitted by the given deadline, the application may be denied.
- When an eVisa application has been approved, the applicant will receive a notice by email containing a webpage link to download and print the eVisa. The eVisa holder is required to present a paper copy of the eVisa at the immigration checkpoint for verification by the National Immigration Agency upon the arrival in Taiwan. However, immigration officers at ports of entry in Taiwan have the right to deny entry to eVisa holders without providing further explanation.
Purposes of Visit
Please note that eVisas are only granted for tourism and business purposes, as well as for visiting relatives and attending international conferences or sporting events in Taiwan. If you intend to travel to Taiwan for other purposes – such as employment, study, residence with family, or Mandarin language courses – you must submit an application for a suitable type of visa at an ROC overseas mission.
The validity of an eVisa is three months starting from the issue date. The eVisa is a single-entry visa, and the maximum duration of stay in Taiwan is 30 days, which cannot be extended.
For more information, please check here
Online eVisa application, please check here
- 中國大陸與會人士
- 大陸地區人民旅居大陸以外地區者
中國大陸境內持有中國大陸護照與會者申請入台許可證 :
本次大陸人士入台許可證申請委託大會秘書處 樂業國際會議顧問公司辦理
- 一、申請截止期間:
- 2017年3月1日
- 二、申請需知:
- 請於註冊繳費後,備齊所有需求文件用掃描方式以電子檔寄電子郵件給大會秘書處,以便協助辦理入台許可證事宜。如未於截止期間前寄送相關資料,恐將影響來台行程,故請務必確實辦理。
- 三、辦理費用:NT$3,000 (USD 100)
- 四、付款資訊:
- 五、需求文件:
- 請準備以下資料,並用掃描方式以電子檔寄電子郵件給大會秘書處:
- 基本資料:包括中文姓名、英文姓名、任職單位、職稱、出生年月日、Registration ID、E-Mail
- 申請書:請以電腦輸入,中文姓名及相關資料須以正(繁)體字填寫,英文姓名須與其護照或大陸居民往來臺灣通行證之英文姓名相同。
- 大陸地區核發效期六個月以上護(證)照:請掃描有照片的那一頁
- 大陸地區居民身分證或足資明其身分文件影本。
- 最近一年內彩色白底照片,製成圖檔須裁切多餘空白處,臉部占整張圖檔約為三分之二面積,比照國民身分證規格,並與所持居民身分證、通行證能辨識為同一人。
- 工作單位在職證明:每人一份,需有單位章及出具日期。
- 最高學歷證明:每人一份 (例如:教授資格證書,畢業證書或學生證)
- 個人簡歷: 每人書寫一份 (含曾任職務、具有何種相關專業造詣等)
註二:同(隨)行者(限配偶及未成年子女),應檢附與申請人間經財團法人海峽交流基金會驗證之親屬關係證明文件。 - 六、聯絡資訊:
- 同大會秘書處
- 七、其他
- 臺灣的申請流程:約1個月,大會秘書處收到資料,送交出境管理局進行審核,入台許可證核發後, 將以電子郵寄的方式遞交給申請人,申請人請自行彩色列印後持憑入境。
- 大陸來台人員的申請流程:相關申請事宜以貴單位規定為主
★請務必確認相關時程辦理來台事宜★ - 先向貴單位的國際合作處諮詢來台相關申請流程
- 收到入台許可証之前:務必先向貴單位申請來台手續
- 收到入台許可証之後:將臺灣的入台許可証批件 (通知和影本、邀請信)向大陸國台辦辦理批件→拿入台許可証批件和國台辦批件到省公安機關辦理出入境手續
大陸地區人民旅居國外(大陸以外)地區者,以分開送件方式申請:旅居地區有我駐外使領館、代表處或辦事處(以下簡稱駐外館處)且該駐外館處設有台灣移民署移民工作組者,由邀請單位代為線上申請,申請人另檢附身分證明文件向駐外館處(移民署移民工作組)申請;其居住國無駐外館處者,僅由邀請單位線上申請即可;旅居地區之駐外館處者未設有台灣移民署移民工作組者,由邀請單位代向移民署各服務站臨櫃以紙本送件申請並繳交證照費費,申請人另檢附申請書、身分證明文件及邀請單位繳費收據影本向駐外館處申請。移民署駐外移民工作組據點登載於台灣入出國及移民署移民資訊網/關於本署/聯絡資訊/駐外據點項下 。